Comic Art & Graffix Gallery

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Collecting Comics & Art

If you are a fan of comic art the following pages should be of great interest to you. This page is your doorway to articles on how to collect comic art, where and how to find it and why you should want to collect comic art in the first place. These pages are the partial result of over 35 years of activity and experience that I have had as a hobbyist and comic art collector (as well as movie posters, cards, magazines, blb's, pulps, premiums, toys, rock & roll memorabilia and who knows what else). There is some very informative stuff here, and I recommend that all collectors, novice or expert read them.

Please keep in mind that these are articles that I wrote for magazines in the past from 1990-1993, and some of the information in them may not be current.

Art and it's Value

Collecting Silver Age DC Art

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